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Newsletter Manager

You can here manage your subscription to my newsletter. I will send, very rarely, important information about my work, my projects and, even more rarely, important news from the world of open source.


This website <> is created, edited and maintained by Pierre Cassat (@picas). All site contents, unless otherwise stated, are available under the terms of the Creative Commons International 4.0 “Attribution – Share Alike” license (you can use and share provided you cite the source and keep these conditions). The website is hosted by OVH on a server running a GNU/Linux Ubuntu operating system. The pages are generated by the open source software WordPress, distributed under …


You will find here the list of all website contents. To view this list in French (my original language), click here. The website also offers two RSS feeds automatically updated: publications feed: /en/feed comments feed: /en/comments/feed You can also browse in contents ordered by publication date:

About me

My development experience puts me in a position of “lead-developer” as we say, that is a technical referent, responsible for a team of developers and for the quality, publication and deployment of a source code. I particularly like the transmission of knowledge, for instance through the validation of the code of my padawans and think tanks on complex subjects. In recent years I have also gained serious experience of DevOps (contraction of “development” and “operational”), …

Contact me

You can use the form at the bottom of this page to send me a message or subscribe to my newsletter (I will send, very rarely, important information about my work, my projects and, even more rarely, important news from the world of open source). If you found a bug or have a question or a remark about one of my software, please use the tickets manager of its sources (the “issues” panel of …

Repositories management

How to manage the source code of a project under version control in a robust and smarter way? Here is a review of the brilliant article by Vincent Driessen on the issue: the workflow of a source code managed by GIT, handling releases, bug-fix and new features …

My coding standards

Useful links the PHP manual the PHPUnit manual the Composer and Packagist websites the X-Debug documentation Coding styles Base standards I MUST try to follow the coding standards and naming rules most commonly in use: the PEAR coding standards the PHP Framework Interoperability Group standards. My coding rules script files MUST all be encoded with LF line ending (UNIX “linefeed”) in classic UTF-8 character set with NO BOM ; lines in a script MUST never …

Markdown Extended

PHP Markdown Extended is a PHP package to transform Markdown text files or strings in HTML. This new version of a Markdown parser tries to propose a complete set of Markdown syntax tags and rules and to be PHP-5.3+ compliant.