A full “101” Wordpress theme built with the Bootstrap framework and the Font Awesome images font, ready to build a responsive and accessible blog or to be modified to build your own theme.

WP Basic Bootstrap is a full “101” WordPress theme built with the Bootstrap framework and the Font Awesome images font, which implements all features of WordPress version 4+ and is ready to build a responsive and accessible blog or to be modified to build your own theme.
The theme is built using the WordPress best practices:
- its takes advantage of the customizer panel of the WordPress’ backend to let user choose the best rendering with a lot of options concerning styles, templates and layouts;
- it supports all theme features such as post formats, header and background customization, thumbnails, HTML5 markup, sidebars, navigation menus and sticky posts;
- it implements its templates to follow the template hierarchy of WordPress;
- it uses internal hooks to plug its rendering options;
- it implements its own hooks to easily customize its features;
- it is ready for translations;
- its code follows the WordPress and PSR coding standards.
The WP Basic Bootstrap theme is distributed under a dual-license:
- under the terms of the GNU GPL for non-commercial usage
- under the terms of a commercial license for commercial usage.
The theme can be used out of the box for a personal blog, but can also be a robust and well-coded basis to build your own themes.
For a complete information and the theme sources, see its GitHub repository.